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Front Line Physicians is an organization of Medical Doctors and Healthcare Specialists from around the world that is in the process of being performed for the purposes of:

  • Advocating for Doctors Rights to provide new, innovative, unconventional and in some cases experimental treatments using their experience and training to help heal patients who want to try new treatments.
  • Providing ordinary people with a way to find Doctors and health care specialists who are willing to treat patients using latest, new and in some cases experimental treatments with the consent of those who desire such treatments.
  • Informing the Doctors, Health Care Specialists and the General Public about the unique medical treatments, methods and results being offered by the medical experts on the front lines, including the latest methods, treatments and results being used by Doctors from around the world who are fighting Covid-19.
  • Working with Local, State and Federal officials to help expand and protect the ability of Doctors to treat their patients as they see fit using their best efforts and in particular when patients provide consent to receive treatments that are outside of those ordinarily recommended.
  • Educating the General Public about the Right to Try Act.